Friday, March 22, 2013

Welcome Back

What did you do during spring break?

I played a lot of video games and celebrated my great grandma's birthday.I also went to do some thing really boring with my cousin.It was really boring and went we got back home I started playing my tablet.I also played realm of the mad gods.I kind of had fun.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring Break

What do you plan on doing during spring break?

Click on this Ropes Course.

My plan is to play realm of the mad gods in my laptop.

Monday, March 18, 2013


Today is the first day of spring.

What are 6 things that you can do in spring?

I can play a lot of video games and play with my legos.I can also play my Wii or watch television.Also do a sorts of stuff.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Outer Space

First Space Walk from Lee Ranaldo on Vimeo.

Watch this video.

Write down 4 things that you saw about the first person walking in outer space.

He left a footprint on the moon.HE was flooding so slow.He was holding a line or something.He kept on moving his arm.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Working Woman's Day

Today is "National Working Woman's Day".  Many people believe that being a stay-at-home mom is a full time job.  Do you agree or disagree?  Write an excellent 4 sentence paragraph explaining your answer.

I agree because they still have to clean up and stuff like that. I think they have to clean the  dishes and also clean stuff up. I also think that they have to clean up after other people's mess. And its like their job.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


The first Oreo cookies were sold today in 1912.

What is your favorite type of Oreo?

How do you like to eat Oreos?

I like to eat oeros because the white things in the middle taste good.

Monday, March 4, 2013

National Sauce Month

March is "National Sauce Month".  What is your favorite sauce?  What is it used on?  What does it taste like?  What does it look like? What does it smell like?  

My favorite sauce is nothing.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Iditarod Race

The Iditarod Race began on March 2 in Alaska.

Use this resource to write a good 5 sentence summary of the race.

Be sure to answer the WHO, WHAT, WHERE, HOW, and WHY.

Add a picture.

The Iditarod race is a dog race.It started on March 2.It was in Alaska.Every musher has a different tactics.Many people were there to watch.